YOUR HELP IS GREATLY NEEDED!   The band boosters: feed your kids, chaperone your kids, get uniforms fitted for your kids, raise funds for your kids, transport your kids and their instruments, help move equipment for your kids, decorate your kids' lockers, get information to your kids (and you).  Don't just sit back and expect other parents to do all of these things for your band/guard student.  We need your help.  Yes, YOUR help.  Did you know that YOU are a band booster?  All parents/guardians of all band/guard students are boosters.   There are band booster meetings every month where all things band are discussed and planned for.  Make sure to come to those meetings to find out what is going on in band (because our kids don't always tell us!) or ask any questions you may have.  Keep an eye on the band calendar on the home page for the date/time of the next meeting.   But don't just come to meetings -- HELP US HELP YOUR KIDS!

How to get involved:

Following is a list of all the committees that currently exist to support the Carroll Instrumental Music Program and a brief description of each. Please contact a member of any committee(s) where you are interested in helping out; there is always room for more helpers. A listing of committee leads can be found under files in ParentSquare.

Chaperone Committee 

Chaperones are required to accompany the band on all events involving travel. Chaperones must be parents, grandparents, or guardians of current band students, or otherwise approved by the band booster board. Only band students and designated adults acting in the capacity of chaperone are allowed to ride school buses on band events.

Additional information specific to band chaperoning is also provided by the chair of the chaperones committee.

Typically for bus travel, four chaperones are placed on each bus: two in the back, and two in the front. One of the four serves as a lead chaperone for that bus. The chaperones are responsible for the safety of the students and the integrity of the school by making sure the students follow the school’s code of conduct, applying discipline as needed, covering student maneuvers to be sure the students are not left unattended, and conducting careful roll calls. In addition, the lead chaperone for each bus is responsible for signing out any student that will be returning from the event with a parent or guardian. Characteristics needed to be a chaperone committee member include accountability, a willingness to discipline, ability to interact well with students, ability to earn the respect of students, and common sense is a must.

Pit Crew (Marching Band only)

For each home football game and each marching competition featuring the full band, equipment must be transported to the destination for use in the performance. This equipment is transported via a tractor-trailer, and typically includes field and pit percussion instruments, color guard flags and props, hat boxes, and other instruments, depending on the distance involved.

Pit Crew members are needed to maintain the “Big Blue” (the semi trailer) and “Little Blue” (the tow-behind trailer), schedule tractors and drivers, ensure the proper equipment is loaded, unload the equipment and prepare it for use, move the equipment on and off the field at the appropriate times during the performance, repack the equipment, return the equipment to the school, and unpack the equipment. Due to the importance of having the right equipment available at the right time, the committee members are encouraged to support this committee throughout the entire marching season. Teamwork, efficiency, and good organizational skills are desired for the field Pit Crew.

Food Committee 

The Food Committee is responsible for feeding the kids a hot meal on competition days. Typically we are able to feed the kids at CHS before they depart.  Sometimes we will need to feed them a meal on the road or pack “to go” meals.

Committee members are needed to plan menu, purchase food and supplies, set-up, prepare food, and clean up after meal.

We typically meet on Mondays during band season to plan the meal for Saturday's competition day.  

We will feed about 250 people every Saturday.  So, any help is appreciated whether you can help shop, cook, or serve.  There is a budget for the season, so reimbursement is possible with the proper forms filled out.

Fundraising/Ways & Means Committee

By September, the Boosters are required to submit all desired fundraising activities to NACS for approval. Committee members are responsible for determining which fundraisers will be held, and ensuring the proper conduct of each one.

Committee members are needed to prepare the initial orders and packets for distribution to the students, promote the sale within the community, tally the orders and dollars received from the students, ensure the correct order is placed at the appropriate time, secure a distribution center, plan the logistics, organize and communicate all fundraisers distribution method, and resolve any issues with defective, incorrect, missing items. Committee members shall post sign-up Genius for  fundraisers, and select Parents to supervise, and run events.

Corporate Sponsorship/Grants Committee

The Grants Committee is an ongoing committee that researches and applies for grants for sponsorship of band events. A background in grant writing or grant researching would be helpful but is not necessary. Also experience with preparing budget requests would be helpful.  This committee also seeks out Corporate Sponsorships for Carroll Bands.


Work with band directors and the booster committees to keep the Band/Booster website up-to-date for band students and parents.   Take photos/videos of performances and share on Carroll Bands' social media accounts.  Submit newsworthy articles to local newspapers.


Transportation Committee

The trailer committee is responsible for “Big Blue” and "Little Blue". “Big Blue” is used to transport valuable instruments and equipment and accompanies the band to most performances away from school, including all marching competitions, all home and away football games.

Uniforms Committee

The uniforms committee is responsible for assisting with uniforms during Marching Band, and concert attire for the Advanced Band (not needed until the Winter Concert).

The first duty occurs in June during band camp to remove graduated marcher’s uniforms, shakos and shoes.  Then we fit the entire band in jackets.  A group of 7-8 parents can accomplish this in about two evenings.

During band camp in July, we will fit the entire band into marching pants.  A group of 7-8 parents can accomplish this in two to three evenings.  During this time we also fix hem lengths (snap to fit or tack), size shakos and gauntlets for new members.  We also find used shoes for those that want or need them.

 Prior to the first march, we organize the uniforms, tack pant hems, assign shakos and gauntlets, purchase new gloves, and prepare for the new season.

Prior to football games, 2 members are needed to handle any problems that arise as kids dress before the game.  At half-time or after the game (dismissal time is decided by the directors before the game), 4 members are needed to collect plumes, and 2 members are needed to check uniforms at the uniform door.

During the season, 1 member is needed to ensure all uniforms, shakos and shoes are loaded onto Big Blue.  At the competition, 2-4 members are needed to help prior to competition (solve problems and hand out plumes).  2-4 members are needed after the competition to collect plumes and check uniforms into Big Blue.

 Johnny Appleseed Festival Committee

Parents get to dress up in period costume, and serve “Heaven in a Bowl” which is Peach and Apple Cobbler served with ice cream. “Heaven in a Bowl" is made in cast iron Dutch Ovens over hot coals, just like in times of old (though I doubt they had Kingsford briquets!).

The Johnny Appleseed Committee starts in early August to inventory items left over from the previous year. The Committee Chair is responsible for organizing the uniforms and cooking gear required by the Johnny Appleseed Festival, determining the amount of food items to be donated, and inventorying the stock. For the Festival the committee organizes the volunteers, sets up sign-up genius. Prepares the trailer and equipment. Sets-up, and ensures all volunteers are in proper attire. Sets up the cooking line and pits. Ensures clean up. Will take a detailed list of what is spent, and what is deducted for taxes.

Spirit Activities (Marching Band only)

Decorate all Charger Pride students' lockers before every competition.  Decorate the hallways before major ISSMA events.  Make goodie bags. Decorate buses.  Fun Stuff!  Many hands needed!

Spirit Wear

All of that neato Charger Pride apparel has to come from somewhere!  Decide what to sell, buy from the most cost-effective supplier, sell the stuff to excited parents.  Make money for the band!

Color Guard & Winter Guard

Help the guard instructors however they need help!  Help organize fundraisers for Winter Guard.  Be there for the kids before and after performances.  The guard chairperson needs as much help as possible, so if your student is in guard, please plan on being on this committee!

Drumline & Winter Drumline (Indoor Percussion)

Help the drumline instructors however they need help!  Help organize fundraisers for Winter Drumline (Indoor Percussion).  Be there for the kids before and after performances.  The drumline chairperson needs as much help as possible, so if your student is in drumline, please plan on being on this committee! (btw: copy & paste is a wonderful thing!)

Connections Committee

Calling all extroverts and people who want to share their knowledge and experience. Help the newbies and create community within our Charger Pride organization.